Category: Long Term Care

How Will You Keep Up with the Increasing Cost of Care?

Buying a home is a dream for many, but not every dreamer is fully prepared financially.

You Can Be Smart, but Still Carry Bad Information.

Perfectly smart people walk around with bad information. Don’t be one of them.

Have You Thought About Hybrid Long Term Care Insurance?

Have you considered Long Term Care (LTC) insurance, but you’re worried that your rates will increase down the road?

A Burden Relieved

A close-knit Italian family deals with a family member’s health issues.

Long Term Care—The Women’s Issue That Affects Everyone

Women face significant challenges as they age. Their longer lifespans translate into higher rates of disability as they spend more time fending off chronic health problems. Worse, nearly three-quarters of women 75 and older face... Read More

How Much is Peace of Mind Worth?

Helen and Vern were high school sweethearts, but that’s just the beginning of their story.