Student Loan Freeze Extended Again—What Should You Do Now?

Use this time to re-evaluate your plan.
Initially established in March 2020 at the outset of the Covid pandemic, the CARES Act suspends required payments and interest accrual on most federal student loans.
On August 24, 2022, the Biden administration announced a three-part plan to assist middle-class and working federal loan borrowers to pay off their debts. This new plan includes loan debt cancellations to qualifying individuals up to $20,000.
Student Loan Refinancing Could Save You Thousands
Choose from a range of refinancing options and receive a special rate discount. Medical resident and fellow programs are available.
The repayment freeze was originally intended to last six months however, the relief has been extended several times as pandemic struggles continue.
So where does this leave student loan borrowers? It gives you even more time to evaluate your current repayment plan and to assess whether it will still make sense for you once you must resume payments. It’s the perfect time to explore student loan refinancing, which could lower your monthly payments.
The Alumni Benefits ProgramSM can help with student loan refinancing with special rate discounts for alumni and their families.